This service is available to the residents of:

Kensington & Chelsea

Community Living Well Peer Support is delivered by Kensington and Chelsea Mind, in partnership with a number of other organisations offering mental health support in primary care.

What is peer support?

Peer support brings together people with shared experiences, and these experiences can vary. For example, you might share a diagnosis of a particular mental health problem or similar personal interests. Or you may have shared experiences, such as hearing voices, identifying as LGBTQIA+ or having a shared cultural background.

Our Peer Support Services provide a range of opportunities for people to come together to reduce isolation, make friends and give and receive support based on the personal experience and a shared understanding of mental distress.  

What we offer:


Structured self-help sessions where participants can share experiences, connect with others facing similar challenges, and build a supportive community.

1:1 Support

Personalised sessions with a trained peer support worker who uses their own lived experience to offer empathy, guidance, and practical strategies for managing mental health.

Who can access this support?

  • Individuals and their carers over 16
  • Individuals whose mental health problems are being managed by their GP
  • Individuals and their carers living in Kensington & Chelsea, Queens Park and Paddington
  • Individuals registered with a GP in Kensington & Chelsea, Queens Park and Paddington

To refer

  • Click this link
  • Or, you can ask your GP, or other health professional involved in your care, to refer you to Community Living Well Peer Support. For our list of eligible GP practices please click here.

Contact us

1:1 Support

Meet with a peer worker, talk through emotional challenges and share coping suggestions with someone who understands what it is like to experience mental health problems. Talking helps, but not everyone is comfortable talking in a group and even if you are, sometimes it’s nice to be able to sit and talk to someone on a one-to-one basis. Talking to a peer means you are with someone who is equal to you; they are not trained as a professional therapist or a counsellor. They are someone who can put themselves in your shoes.

To refer yourself to the Peer Support service, complete this online form.

Peer Support Groups

Give and receive mutual support in a peer support group to manage daily stresses. Structured self-help peer support groups aim to bring people together who can share their experience of mental health. It’s your chance to talk about your mental health, an opportunity to learn about how others in similar situations manage their symptoms and connect with people who know what it’s like to feel the way you do. 

To refer yourself to the Peer Support service, complete this online form.

Living Well Workshops

These workshops provide a safe and supportive environment for individuals to develop self-management skills and strategies to cope with a range of issues.

Topics focus on practical advice, education, tips, and tools for managing mental health challenges. Workshops are co-facilitated by Peer Trainers. Peer support can help you in a number of ways:

  • Feel accepted by others with shared experiences.
  • Develop and sharing new skills.
  • Reducing feelings of isolation.
  • Building confidence and emotional resilience.
  • Establishing new relationships.

The service is delivered in partnership with:

  • Community Living Well Partners
  • Westminster and RBKC Bi-Borough Council
  • Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL)
  • Local Minds through the SWL Minds Partnership

The workshops are held online or in person. They are available to anyone who is registered with Community Living Well Peer Support. You can refer yourself to the service by completing this online form

For further information, contact [email protected]

Social Peer Support

Social peer support provides friendly meet ups where you can connect with others in a safe, supportive environment to join in an activity, or just spend time with people who have a similar interest and shared experience. Activities include walking, culture, arts, singing, coffee meet-ups, museum trips, social gatherings and much more. 

To refer yourself to the Peer Support service, complete this online form.