We welcome all feedback, whether it’s positive or constructive. Your insights play a crucial role in shaping our services.
Please mark any postal letters ‘Private and Confidential’ on the envelope.
Feedback drives improvement. Whether you have general comments to share about our services or want to compliment a staff member or service, we’d love to hear from you. Please email us at [email protected]. Your messages will be directed to the appropriate staff members, logged centrally, and used to improve our services, support staff, and influence organisational development.
Anyone dissatisfied with our services is entitled to file a complaint. This includes service users, members of the public who have used or expected to use our services, and representatives acting on behalf of someone under specific circumstances, such as when:
Complaints from staff are handled under separate grievance procedures. Similarly, complaints from commissioners or funding bodies follow their own dispute resolution processes as outlined in contracts or agreements.
Complaints should be made as soon as possible after discovering the issue.
We aim to resolve most concerns as they arise and we are committed to conducting thorough and unbiased investigations into any concerns or issues raised. We guarantee transparency and a timely response to address matters appropriately.
Please note, in line with our Data Protection and GDPR (2015) policy, we hold personal data for the legal length of time require in law or set out as good practice.
If you have a complaint, we encourage you to try to resolve the issue informally first by discussing it directly with the staff member or volunteer involved. If the complaint concerns a staff member or volunteer, you may escalate it to the Service Manager or Team Leader. If the matter involves a Service Manager, it should be addressed with the Head of Service.
This informal discussion aims to collaboratively and constructively resolve your concerns. If the issue remains unresolved, you may escalate it to a formal complaint.
If informal resolution is unsuccessful or you prefer to escalate the matter, please contact the relevant Head of Service in writing or by telephone. Clearly outline the details of your complaint, including any steps already taken to address the issue.
Contact Details:
Head of Service (Adults, Children and Young People, or Central Services)
West Central London Mind
23 Monck Street, London, SW1P 2AE
Phone: 020 7259 8100
Email: [email protected]
A letter of acknowledgment will be sent to you, summarising the complaint and confirming a timeframe for any disputes about the summary. Investigations will be conducted by a different manager, and you will receive a written response within 28 days. Meetings may be held to discuss the complaint, and you are welcome to be accompanied by a friend, family member, or advocate throughout the process.
All formal complaints are recorded in our complaints log, and anonymised details are shared with the Board of Trustees and funders.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling or outcome of your formal complaint, you may submit a written appeal to the Chair of the Board of Trustees. Appeals must be filed within three months of the initial response and should explain your concerns.
You will be invited to meet with senior management within 15 working days of the appeal being received. An Appeals Panel, including a Trustee (typically the Chair or Vice-Chair), will review the case and respond in writing within 28 days of the meeting. This decision represents the final internal resolution.
If you are still dissatisfied, you may approach external bodies such as the service commissioner, National Mind, the Charity Commission, or other relevant organisations.
Contact Address
West Central London Mind
23 Monck Street, London, SW1P 2AE
Phone: 020 7259 8100
Email: [email protected]
External Advocacy Support
Independent advocacy support is available through: The Advocacy Project
73 Saint Charles Square, London W10 6EJ
Tel: 020 8969 3000